Noma's Koji Water

My run through Noma's Koji Water water recipe heavily featured in the new Noma 2.0 book.

Noma's Koji Water
Photo by John Peters / Unsplash

Original recipe is from the Noma 2.0 book:
 200% Water
 100% Koji
 2% salt
 Blend Water + koji until smooth, add salt.
 Ferment 2-3 days

My measurements:
 646g Jasmine Rice Koji
 1,298g water
 2% salt

Batch 1 had some issues with the jar seal, so that got tossed.

Batch 2 (started on November 16th, 2022)

  • 800g mixed koji water
  • 16g salt
  • Pulled on November 18th, 2022 @ 17:15
  • Smells funky, maybe a bit cheesy
  • Tastes sweet, savory, just salty enough. Really really good, threw into freezer.
  • After freezing, I put the frozen mash in a cheese-cloth lined fine meshed strainer and left it outside in my cooler for three days to thaw. It's cold enough outside that my backyard is basically a fridge.
Slight scum on day 2
Thawing in the cooler
Final Golden Liquid